The third edition of this indispensable book in radio interferometry provides extensive updates to the second edition, including results and technical advances from the past decade; discussion of arrays that now span the full range of the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum observable from the ground, 10 MHz to 1 THz; an analysis of factors that affect array speed; and an expanded discus…
This is a unique and accessible introduction to an underutilised source, Roman tokens, with a focus on those found in Imperial Italy. It explains how tokens can illuminate all kinds of issues such as identity, entertainment, euergetism, imperial ideology, festivals, material culture and everyday life
This is a unique and accessible introduction to an underutilised source, Roman tokens, with a focus on those found in Imperial Italy. It explains how tokens can illuminate all kinds of issues such as identity, entertainment, euergetism, imperial ideology, festivals, material culture and everyday life
The center of gravity in Roman studies has shifted far from the upper echelons of government and administration in Rome or the Emperor's court to the provinces and the individual. The multi-disciplinary studies presented in this volume reflect the turn in Roman history to the identities of ethnic groups and even single individuals who lived in Rome's vast multinational empire. The purpose is le…
A millennium and a half after the end of the period of its unquestioned dominance, Rome remains a significant presence in western culture. This book explores what the empire meant to its subjects. The idea of Rome has long outlived the physical empire that gave it form, and now holds sway over vastly more people and a far greater geographical area than the Romans ever ruled. It continues to sha…
The introduction to this volume describes the contribution that it makes to scholarship on ancient divinatory practices. It analyses previous and current research, arguing that while this predominantly functionalist work reveals important socio-political dimensions of divination, it also runs the risk of obscuring from view the very people, ideologies, and experiences that scholars seek to unde…