This book challenges the common assumption that the predominant focus of the history of science should be the achievements of Western scientists since the so-called scientific revolution. The conceptual frameworks within which the members of earlier societies and of modern indigenous groups worked admittedly pose severe problems for our understanding. But rather than dismiss them on the grounds…
Meng Ji, Pierrette Bouillon, Mark Seligman ; with contributions from Bastien David, Magali Norre?, Irene Strasly, Herve? Spechbach, Johanna Gerlach, Lu?cia Morado Va?squez, Silvia Rodri?guez Va?squez.
This book critically examines assumptions about age, women, and gender. Amidst all the attention that has been granted to difference and inequality, however uneven and unsatisfactory in terms of class and caste, race and ethnicity, sexuality and gender, disability, religion, and nation, questions of age and its importance for feminism have been less well defined. Drawing on recent literature on…
Hewan Ternak satu ini dengan mudah ditemui, apalagi hari raya kurban. Ya, betul kambing. Hewan memamah biak ini adalah pemakan tumbuhan. Kambing ternak (Capra aegagrus hircus) merupakan salah satu subspesies kambing yang dipelihara atau dijinakan dari kambing liar Asia Barat Daya dan Eropa Timur. Tak hanya menghasilkan daging, kambing juga memproduksi susu. Kotorannya pun bermanfaat sebagai pup…
Kalian pernah minum teh? bagaimana rasanya, manis atau pahit? Ternyata teh bukan hanya dapat dinikmati dengan diseduh, tetapi juga dapat menjadi perisa untuk es krim, cokelat, kue, serta aneka makanan dan minuman. Nah, kali ini Pak Ino mengajak Abi dan Shinta piknik ke kebun teh. Ternyata kebun teh itu sangat indah, udaranya sejuk dan segar. Juga banyak yang dapat kalian pelajari di kebun teh, …
Hmmm, harum, wangi, nikmat ... Kopi Luwak memang tiada duanya. Sudah ada yang tahu kopi? Apakah kalian sudah pernah minum kopi? Maniskah atau pahitkah? Atau sudahkah kalian tahu bagaimana kopi diolah? Yuk kita ikuti petualangan dan Pak Ino mengetahui lebih lengkap tentang kopi. Mulai dari sejarah kopi, budi daya kopi, hingga pengolahannya menjadi bubuk kopi. Kalian juga diajak berkenalan dengan…
With a range of interdisciplinary contributions and national and regional case studies, this collection offers a systematic, up-to-date evaluation of the debate relating to international trade law, policy, and gender equality. It analyses recent trade negotiations and agreements through a gender lens. Available as Open Access on Cambridge Core
Kalian pernah makan sup jagung, bubur jagung, es krim jagung, atau sarapan nan lezat corn flake yang dicampur susu? ternyata penganan lezat itu hanya sebagian dari aneka jenis olahan dari jagung. Masih banyak penganan lainnya, yang selain lezat ternyata menyehatkan bagi tubuh, termasuk nasi jagung juga, lho Kali ini, Pak Ino bersama Tia, Ami, dan Dita mengajak kalian untuk mengenal lebih dekat …
edited by Bernard Benjamin, Peter R. Cox, John Peel.
Biosocial Worlds presents state-of-the-art contributions to anthropological reflections on the porous boundaries between human and non-human life – biosocial worlds. Based on changing understandings of biology and the social, it explores what it means to be human in these worlds. Growing separation of scientific disciplines for more than a century has maintained a separation of the ‘natural…
Every nation in Asia has dealt with COVID-19 differently and with varying levels of success in the absence of clear and effective leadership from the WHO. As a result, the WHO’s role in Asia as a global health organization is coming under increasing pressure. As its credibility is slowly being eroded by public displays of incompetence and negligence, it has also become an arena of contestatio…
This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, ICOST 2022, held in Paris, France, in June 2022. The 15 full papers and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. They cover topics such as design, development, deployment, and evaluation of AI f…
This open access book argues that storytelling is an important resource in coming to terms with the loss of the feeling of living a grounded existence where the future remains relatively stable and predictable. Faced with the specter of climate catastrophe, we lose confidence in the future—a well-documented response in the environmental movement, for example. Yet stories, and in particular so…
This open access book explores how different spatial geographies emerged, adapted or were transformed in various occupied and colonial settings around Asia, showing how the experiences of those living under occupation shaped and was shaped by new interpretations and typologies of ‘space’. With case studies across South, Southeast and East Asia and through a variety of disciplinary perspecti…
This open access book represents a comprehensive review of available land-use cover data and techniques to validate and analyze this type of spatial information. The book provides the basic theory needed to understand the progress of LUCC mapping/modeling validation practice. It makes accessible to any interested user most of the research community's methods and techniques to validate LUC maps …