Internet use-related addiction problems (e.g., Internet addiction, problem mobile phone use, problem gaming, and social networking) have been defined according to the same core element: the addictive symptomatology presented by individuals who excessively and problematically behave using the technology. Online activity is the most important factor in their lives, causing them the loss of contro…
What is trust and how new technologies are changing or affecting the concept of trust? This publication offers insights from researchers working in educational technology and distance education, collected in the frame of the European FP-7 Marie-Curie People project “Stimulators and inhibitors of a culture of trust in educational interactions assisted by modern information and communication te…
The evolution of knowledge management theory and the special emphasis on human and social capital sets new challenges for knowledge-driven and technology-enabled innovation. Emerging technologies including big data and analytics have significant implications for sustainability, policy making, and competitiveness. This edited volume promotes scientific research into the potential contributions k…
Mathematical anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension or fear which arises when a person is faced with mathematical content. The negative consequences of mathematical anxiety are well-documented. Students with high levels of mathematical anxiety might underperform in important test situations, they tend to hold negative attitudes towards mathematics, and they are likely to opt out of elect…
"Educational Visions looks to future developments in educational technology by reviewing its history, covering themes such as learning analytics and design, inquiry learning, citizen science, inclusion, and learning at scale. The book shows how successful innovations can be built over time, informs readers about current practice and demonstrates how they can use this work themselves. The ch…
editors, Sumaya Laher, Angelo Fynn and Sherianne Kramer.
Digital technology has made culture more accessible than ever before. Texts, audio, pictures and video can easily be produced, disseminated, used and remixed using devices that are increasingly user-friendly and affordable. However, along with this technological democratization comes a paradoxical flipside: the norms regulating culture's use —copyright and related rights —have become increa…
"The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education will present the state of the art of the place and role of translation in educational contexts worldwide. It lays a sound foundation for the future interdisciplinary cooperation between Translation Studies and Educational Linguistics. By adopting a transdisciplinary perspective, the handbook will bring together the various fields of schol…
Worldwide, scholarship and policy-making develop new ideas and models for the role of higher education and research in society and economy. This development points to changing relationships and boundaries between the public and private spheres in higher education including their public and private steering and funding, public-private partnerships between universities and firms, the rise of priv…
This book examines the current thinking on five critical social and political areas in mathematics education. It focuses on material conditions in teaching and learning, and details features of social life and their influence on mathematics teaching, learning and achievement. Following an introduction, the first section addresses equitable access and participation in quality mathematics educati…
This open access book presents a person-centered exploration of student profiles, using variables related to motivation to do school mathematics derived from the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) data. Statistical cluster analysis is used to identify groups of students with similar motivational profiles, across grades and over time, for multiple participating…
This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This includes interviews with NGO and social media company reps in the US and the EU. She triangulates these findings against news, policy reports, evalu…
This book is the product of an international workshop dedicated to addressing data accessibility in the linguistics field. It is therefore vital to the book’s mission that its content be open access. Linguistics as a field remains behind many others as far as data management and accessibility strategies. The problem is particularly acute in the subfield of language acquisition, where internat…
One of the central problems facing early childhood education is the push down of an academic curriculum. The pressure for the schoolification of play-based settings has become increasingly prevalent in many Northern Hemisphere continents. Sweden – where the content of this book has been conceptualised and studied – is no exception. Despite the Swedish early childhood education syst…
This book introduces readers to modern Thai literature through the themes of modernity, nationalism, identity and gender. In the cultural, political and social transformations that occurred in Thailand during the first half of the twentieth century, Thai literature was one of the vehicles that moved the changes. Taking seriously ‘read till it shatters’, a Thai phrase that instructs readers …
Vietnam’s shift to a market-based society has brought about profound realignments in its people’s relations with each other. As the nation continues its retreat from the legacies of war and socialism, significant social rifts have emerged that divide citizens by class, region and ethnicity. By drawing on social connections as a traditional resource, Vietnamese are able to accumulate wealth,…
With a range of interdisciplinary contributions and national and regional case studies, this collection offers a systematic, up-to-date evaluation of the debate relating to international trade law, policy, and gender equality. It analyses recent trade negotiations and agreements through a gender lens. Available as Open Access on Cambridge Core
Kalian pernah makan sup jagung, bubur jagung, es krim jagung, atau sarapan nan lezat corn flake yang dicampur susu? ternyata penganan lezat itu hanya sebagian dari aneka jenis olahan dari jagung. Masih banyak penganan lainnya, yang selain lezat ternyata menyehatkan bagi tubuh, termasuk nasi jagung juga, lho Kali ini, Pak Ino bersama Tia, Ami, dan Dita mengajak kalian untuk mengenal lebih dekat …
This open access book discusses the contribution of sociology and survey research to climate research. The authors address the questions of which behaviors are of climate relevance, who is engaging in these behaviors, in which contexts do these behaviors occur, and which individual perceptions and values are related to them. Utilizing survey research, the book focuses on the measurement of clim…