After 9/11 presents 17 interviews with America´s leading political thinkers. Renowned experts such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Francis Fukuyama, and Noam Chomsky discuss the nation’s foreign policy in the post-9/11 world. Yet, they also comment on their own role in US society – and the mounting challenges they face today. The conversations illustrate the hopes and expectations, the anger and f…
The North American Arctic addresses the emergence of a new security relationship within the North American North. It focuses on current and emerging security issues that confront the North American Arctic and that shape relationships between and with neighbouring states (Alaska in the US; Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada; Greenland and Russia).
When it was originally published in 2002, Sue Curry Jansen’s “What Was Artificial Intelligence?” attracted little notice. The long essay was published as a chapter in Jansen’s Critical Communication Theory, a book whose wisdom and erudition failed to register across the many fields it addressed. One explanation for the neglect, ironic and telling, is that Jansen’s sheer scope as an in…
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on Continuation along current development pathways is not sustainable. Available technology and production practices and the consumption patterns of modern societies are leading to global warming and ecological destruction. Business as usual is not an option. There is a…
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices is a volume of essays that provides a detailed account of born-digital literature by artists and scholars who have contributed to its birth and evolution. Rather than offering a prescriptive defini…
How do education systems shape educational inequalities and differences in educational outcomes? And how do advantages and disadvantages in educational attainment translate into privileges and shortcomings in labour market and general life chances? Education systems and inequalities compares different education systems and their impact on creating and sustaining social inequalities. The book co…
This volume gives theoretical and practical insights in international and comparative research in the field of adult and continuing education. The 16 contributions of this volume give three perspectives on international and comparative adult education. The first perspective focuses on the question how internationalisation and comparative adult and continuing education can be taught. The second …
The family of technologies collectively known as additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, and often called 3D-printing technologies, is rapidly revolutionizing industrial production. AM’s potential to produce intricate and customized parts starting from a digital 3D model makes it one of the main pillars for the forthcoming Industry 4.0. Thanks to its advantages over traditional manufacturin…
This open access book examines the transition to sustainable energy systems in emerging cities. Experts from around the world present case studies from different countries and discuss efforts were needed for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors look into the issue of environment vs. economics and discuss the question of whether the energy transition goa…
This book provides the production history and a contextual interpretation of The Beatles' movies (A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine, Let It Be) and describes their ability to project the group's image at different stages in their career. It also includes a discussion of all of The Beatles' promotional films and videos, as well as their television cartoon series and the self-produced t…
COVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of human life. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, several efforts have been taken, including by Indonesian scholars abroad. This book entitled Indonesia Post-Pandemic Recovery Outlook: Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060 from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspectives explores energy sustainability and climate change issues and how it c…
Tersedianya beraneka ragam pangan yang aman, terjangkau, dan bergizi merupakan ciri masyarakat yang sejahtera. Namun, populasi yang terus bertambah membuat tekanan pada pasokan pangan sehingga diperlukan teknologi digital dalam sistem rantai pasok pangan agar menjadi lebih terintegrasi secara global. Selain itu, karena terintegrasi secara global, penting untuk memastikan bahwa pasokan pangan da…
Buku mengenai tradisi musik orang Lampung ini digunakan sebagai acuan utama dalam pembelajaran musik tradisional Lampung, terutama yang berkaitan dengan aspek sejarah, sosial, dan pendidikan musiknya. Kurangnya literatur tentang buku musik terutama yang berkaitan dengan aspek budaya Lampung, mendorong penulis untuk memulai diskusi dalam tulisan kali ini. Ihwal buku memang diperuntukkan bagi mah…
Sebagai negara agraris, sektor pertanian dan perkebunan menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat vital di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, manajemen air dan sistem pengairan untuk kepentingan agraris harus mendapat perhatian yang lebih mengingat pasokan air yang seringkali mengalami defisit dan kelangkaan. Inovasi teknologi dan efisiensi sistem irigasi menjadi ujung tombak keberhasilan industri pertani…
Pengetahuan bahan makanan ternak merupakan salah satu ilmu yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa peternakan. Ilmu pengetahuan bahan makanan ternak menjadi dasar dalam melakukan evaluasi kualitas makanan ternak. Oleh karena itu, buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu media pendukung yang tepat bagi mahasiswa ataupun khalayak yang ingin mempelajari dasar-dasar dalam mengetahui bahan makanan ternak sebelu…
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is predicted to radically change teaching and learning in both schools and industry causing radical disruption of work. AI can support well-being initiatives and lifelong learning but educational institutions and companies need to take the changing technology into account. Moving towards AI supported by digital tools requires a dramatic shift in the concept of learn…
Buku cerita bergambar ini berkisah tentang Bora, Si Pohon Lontar yang tinggal di Pulau Rote, pulau berpenghuni paling selatan di Indonesia. Di Rote, Bora tinggal bersama teman-temannya. Masyarakat di pulau ini sangat menghargai keberadaan lontar karena tanaman tersebut memiliki beragam manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tak heran jika kemudian Bora dan teman-temannya mendapat julukan istimewa…
Mengajarkan musik tentunya juga membutuhkan suatu teori dan referensi. Khususnya kepada anak-anak, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan musik. Buku ini menujukkan beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut, mulai dari hal-hal yang penting dilakukan untuk mengajarkan musik kepada anak, strategi mengajarkan teori musik, hingga metode-metode populer yang diajarkan di sekol…