This open access book offers a cross-sectoral reference for both managers and scientists interested in climate-smart forestry, focusing on mountain regions. It provides a comprehensive analysis on forest issues, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. This book includes structured summaries of each chapter. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, CLIMO has brought togethe…
By the end of the 1950s, Hungary became an unlikely leader in what we now call global health. Only three years after Soviet tanks crushed the revolution of 1956, Hungary became one of the first countries to introduce the Sabin vaccine into its national vaccination programme. This immunization campaign was built on years of scientific collaboration between East and West, in which scientists, spe…
This open access volume collects emerging issues in Environmental and Civil Engineering, originating from outstanding doctoral dissertations discussed at Politecnico di Milano in 2021. The advanced innovative insights provided are presented with reference to the relevant sustainable development goals (SDGs), hoping that scientists, technicians and decision makers will find them as a valid suppo…
Allan E. S. Lumba explores how the United States used monetary policy and banking systems to justify racial and class hierarchies, enforce capitalist exploitation, and counter movements for decolonization in the American colonial Philippines.
This open access book describes strategies and experiences of highly skilled professionals in improving oncology care worldwide. The book is structured into three main sections with several chapters each, reflecting the authors' individual, real-life experiences. It explores ways to improve oncology education and scientific training, how to set up and run a clinical research facility ethically…
This open access book presents research and evaluation results of the Austrian flagship project “Connecting Austria,” illustrating the wide range of research needs and questions that arise when semi-automated truck platooning is deployed in Austria. The work presented is introduced in the context of work in similar research areas around the world. This interdisciplinary research effort cons…
Cancer screening is a prominent strategy in cancer control in the United States, yet the ability to correctly interpret cancer screening data eludes many researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. This open access primer rectifies that situation by teaching readers, in simple language and with straightforward examples, why and how the population-level cancer burden changes when screening is im…
Many leading experts contribute to this follow-up to An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). It introduces more advanced functionality that has been recently added to the open-source MRST software. It is however a self-contained introduction to a variety of modern numerical methods for simulating multiphase …
Between 1525 and 1640, a remarkable phenomenon occurred in the world of print: England saw the production of more than two dozen editions identified by their imprints or by contemporaries as 'herbals'. Sarah Neville explains how this genre grew from a series of tiny anonymous octavos to authoritative folio tomes with thousands of woodcuts, and how these curious works quickly became valuable com…
The family of technologies collectively known as additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, and often called 3D-printing technologies, is rapidly revolutionizing industrial production. AM’s potential to produce intricate and customized parts starting from a digital 3D model makes it one of the main pillars for the forthcoming Industry 4.0. Thanks to its advantages over traditional manufacturin…
Tersedianya beraneka ragam pangan yang aman, terjangkau, dan bergizi merupakan ciri masyarakat yang sejahtera. Namun, populasi yang terus bertambah membuat tekanan pada pasokan pangan sehingga diperlukan teknologi digital dalam sistem rantai pasok pangan agar menjadi lebih terintegrasi secara global. Selain itu, karena terintegrasi secara global, penting untuk memastikan bahwa pasokan pangan da…
Sebagai negara agraris, sektor pertanian dan perkebunan menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat vital di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, manajemen air dan sistem pengairan untuk kepentingan agraris harus mendapat perhatian yang lebih mengingat pasokan air yang seringkali mengalami defisit dan kelangkaan. Inovasi teknologi dan efisiensi sistem irigasi menjadi ujung tombak keberhasilan industri pertani…
Pengetahuan bahan makanan ternak merupakan salah satu ilmu yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa peternakan. Ilmu pengetahuan bahan makanan ternak menjadi dasar dalam melakukan evaluasi kualitas makanan ternak. Oleh karena itu, buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu media pendukung yang tepat bagi mahasiswa ataupun khalayak yang ingin mempelajari dasar-dasar dalam mengetahui bahan makanan ternak sebelu…
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is predicted to radically change teaching and learning in both schools and industry causing radical disruption of work. AI can support well-being initiatives and lifelong learning but educational institutions and companies need to take the changing technology into account. Moving towards AI supported by digital tools requires a dramatic shift in the concept of learn…
This open access book focuses on the molecular mechanism of congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension, offering new insights into the development of pulmonary circulation and the ductus arteriosus. It describes in detail the molecular mechanisms involved in the development and morphogenesis of the heart, lungs and ductus arteriosus, covering a range of topics such as gene functions, g…
Buku ini mengupas sepenggal kisah bagian awal perjalanan teknologi nuklir. Pembahasannya dimulai dari perjalanan sejarah upaya manusia memburu atom. Pembaca akan dibawa untuk mengenali atom beserta fenomena-fenomena fisika yang dapat terjadi di dalamnya. Selanjutnya pembaca akan diperkenalkan dengan sejarah awal kelahiran teknologi nuklir hingga situasi politik dunia yang mendorong lahirnya sen…
Buku ini mengulas tentang pengasuhan keluarga, makanan, dan tradisi pencipta sehat di tiga wilayah Sulawesi Tenggara. Sekalipun masyarakatnya berada pada keadaan miskin dan tradisional namun tetap mengedepankan pengasuhan keluarga di atas segalanya. Semua pola pengasuhan, pengarusutamaan menu makanan, dan tradisi pencipta sehat terhadap kelompok prioritas benar-benar tampak pada keluarga khusus…
This open access volume presents a novel computational framework for understanding how collections of excitable cells work. The key approach in the text is to model excitable tissue by representing the individual cells constituting the tissue. This is in stark contrast to the common approach where homogenization is used to develop models where the cells are not explicitly present. The approach …
The main purpose of this book is to focus on the computational complexity theory of lattice ciphers, especially the reduction principle of Ajtai, in order to fill the gap that post-quantum ciphers focus on the implementation of encryption and decryption algorithms, but the theoretical proof is insufficient. In Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, author introduces the theory and technology of LW…
Orlin Ara Atanau, si murid baru dari Sumba mengajak teman-temannya mencari Cendana dan Gaharu yang sudah langka. Mereka menjelajah tanah di bawah angin, mengikuti jalur rempah yang pada berabad-abad lalu dilakukan oleh para pelaut. Akankah mereka menemukan rajanya parfum ini?