APA Style

Lemke, Jay, Lecusay, Robert, Cole, Michael, Michalchik, Vera. (2015). Documenting and assessing learning in informal and media-rich environments . Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Chicago Style

Lemke, Jay, Lecusay, Robert, Cole, Michael, Michalchik, Vera. Documenting and assessing learning in informal and media-rich environments. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2015. Text.

MLA Style

Lemke, Jay, Lecusay, Robert, Cole, Michael, Michalchik, Vera. Documenting and assessing learning in informal and media-rich environments. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2015. Text.

Turabian Style

Lemke, Jay, Lecusay, Robert, Cole, Michael, Michalchik, Vera. Documenting and assessing learning in informal and media-rich environments. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2015. Print.