APA Style
Curaj, Andrian, Deca, Ligia, Pricopie, Remus. ().
European higher education area :the impact of past and future policies .
Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Open.
Chicago Style
Curaj, Andrian, Deca, Ligia, Pricopie, Remus.
European higher education area :the impact of past and future policies.
Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Open,
MLA Style
Curaj, Andrian, Deca, Ligia, Pricopie, Remus.
European higher education area :the impact of past and future policies.
Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Open,
Turabian Style
Curaj, Andrian, Deca, Ligia, Pricopie, Remus.
European higher education area :the impact of past and future policies.
Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Open,